Starting at $300 a room. Contact us for information!
'For every designer'
Our Designer Trade Program was developed for designers just like YOU. It is our priority to make the designing and purchasing process easier by providing a competitive price with a discount off our retail pricing. We are constantly working with artisans and makers to give you one-of-a-kind products for your projects.

Not an interior designer?
Our Designer Trade Program isn’t just for interior designers! It is open to architects, home-developers, set-designers and home-stagers too!
Designer Trade Members:
+ Exclusive discount on ALL items in our shop
+ No minimum requirements on any order
We understand that not all projects are the same! You can rest assured knowing that you can meet any clients needs through our wide selection of items and styles.

Contact us for specifics and to get started with your next project!
(760) 452-6836